This year, as always, and since the day she was born, I am first and foremost grateful for my amazing daughter, Leyna.  She inspires me daily, pushes me to be the best version of myself and has taught me more about love than anyone or anything else.  I'm grateful for having a wonderful mother who continues to teach and guide me.  I have an immense amount of gratitude for the incredible community of friends, near and far.  I'm very grateful for the wonderful, creative and inspiring staff at Finefolk who know how to create a perfect balance of work and fun.  I'm grateful for my sweet golden retriever Daisy, who is our little Zen master.  I'm grateful for some incredible collaborative opportunities I've had this year.  I'm grateful for the amazing arts community in Kansas City - there is never a shortage of incredible performances and exhibits and shows to attend.  I'm grateful for the last bits of farmers' market treasures, the beautiful Kansas City autumn and so much more...! 

I'm thankful for today, that my kiddos and I are at the park and the leaves are blowing and they're using their imaginations! I'm thankful for a husband who is supportive in every sense of the word and loves with his whole heart. I'm thankful for a home filled with sunshine, creativity and laughter. I'm thankful for every moment of my healing journey, even the worst days, because it's the worst days that have fueled my passion to learn and spread the knowledge. I'm thankful for my community, my ldeal co-workers that have become family, the @oldppldoingthings Instagram account, Led Zeppelin, magnesium oil spray and podcasts.

I’m grateful for the community that has welcomed me to Kansas City with open arms. I’m grateful for late nights with the best company. I’m grateful my parents are only 20 minutes away and that they’re only becoming cooler with age (I caught on to this a little late). I'm thankful for my little sister being my best friend and one of the only people that can bring me back down to Earth. I’m grateful for vintage jeans, drizzly mornings, berets and having friends that support my love of all these things. I’m thankful for my health, my mind, my youth. I’m grateful I’m surrounded by people that motivate and encourage and listen. I’m grateful I can be present, right here and now. I’m also grateful for dogs (Daisy, that’s you!!!) I wouldn’t cover all my bases though if I didn’t mention ~Frank Ocean~ and, as of recently, Post Malone. Thanks for being you, boogie boys.

Leslie K
This year I’m grateful for so many things, as I’m in my saturn return! Personally I’m grateful for my loving family, especially my niece and nephew, my boyfriend Nick, my new friends and old. I’m grateful for my electric guitar, my records, my vintage collection, coffee, film, John Coltrane, Kansas City’s vibrant art/music world and the people who support it. I’m especially grateful this year to have the opportunity to grow Wunderhub Vintage and work alongside such compassionate, driven souls at Finefolk! Oh and pasta!

I’m grateful for a supportive and loving family, an amazing group of co-workers and friends, the best freelance clients a photographer could ask for, the budding art scene in Kansas City, sunny weather in November, restaurants that have a vegan option, being able to spend time in nature, all of the podcasts, free museums!, organic farmers markets filled with smiling faces and beautiful produce, my health, the roof over my head and the food in my kitchen, and last but not least cats! 

Make sure and check our social media platforms and email blast on
Thanksgiving day for some limited-time sale items!

xx, the finefolk fam

November 23, 2017 — leslie kinsman